Sunday, October 6, 2013

photography gear 2 - different types of cameras

in the days of film, we used to have different types of cameras targeting different types of photographers and suitable for different budget. if we define a photographer as someone who uses a camera. from the occasional photography buff who would load a film roll to save memories of the last family vacation, to the seasoned pro who makes a living from taking pictures. in the early days of photography of course, there didn’t use to be such distinction when Kodak first introduced the brownie camera in 1900. it was a point-and-shoot camera designed for mass appeal and was according to kodak’s advertisement "so simple they can easily [be] operated by any school boy or girl".

a point-and-shoot camera is a camera that is simple and inexpensive designed for the occasional photographer who’s only interested in taking pictures and not worry about anything else. it takes its name from that simplicity because To take a "snapshot," all one had to do was hold the camera waist height, aim, and press a button. their extreme simplicity comes with a lot of limitations which makes them unsuitable for a more advanced level in photography.

it’s hard to talk about image capture without getting deep into camera technology. the photographic camera got its name from Leonardo davinci’s early experiments in capturing images in a dark room with a pinhole that would project a reverse image on the flat surface of a parallel wall. hence the name camera obscura which translates from the Italian ‘dark room’. see picture